Sunday, February 15, 2009

happy Vday.!

Sorry it has been a while since i touched based :-? I have been extremely busyyyy.! No excuses tho...

I have some really cute pics... we went to the beach for Vday... I bought this canopy... it is PERFECT. Julio loves it LoL

i think this will be our new thing... beach as much as possible :-)

Gracias Abuelo... the hat was perfect and not too mention adorable :-)

Monday, February 2, 2009

YuMMMM.! Sweet Potatoes and Apples

Maria and I made Julianna baby food on Sat. ((Sweet Potatoes, Malanga, Apples, Pears, and Bananas.!)) I introduced her to them that afternoon... Hilarious.! She lovvveddd it.!!! It is so exciting I laugh every time I give it to her...I still can't believe she is getting sooooBIG.!!!

I'll have to take video when I have a chance...soo u can really capture the experience LoL.!